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In search of the Bonobo

April 26, 2019

In April 2019 we managed to put together a small group of interested parties to investigate and evaluate the tourism potential of a community conservation initiative in the DRC - know as Mbou Mon Tour (MMT).

Dzanga Sangha, CAR

September 30, 2017

Dzanga Sangha National Park is part of a greater conservation initiative the Sangha River Tri-National Protected Area that traverses three countries namely Central African Republic, Cameroon and the Republic of Congo also referred to Brazzaville Congo. 

Ruaha National Park

August 17, 2015

Tanzania's largest and most vast wilderness situated in the south-west of the country, and is only visited by a handful of travellers each year

September 02, 2014

This will certainly be one of those trips that will stay with us forever, truly an epic expedition. There is something about uncertainty and hardship......

September 02, 2017

6 night extended trail exploring the three main catchments of the Shingwedzi River in the Mphongolo wilderness area, situated in the Northern Kruger National Park 

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